020 7921 4205welcome@oasiswaterloo.org1 Kennington Road, London SE1 7QP
Oasis Hub Waterloo


Help us to save this vital community asset

We’re fighting to keep this building in the hands of the local community. 

Last year the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) announced that they were intending to sell Kennington Police Station. Rather than allowing this site to become yet another luxury or corporate development, we’ve been fighting to keep it in the community, asking MOPAC to sell the building to Oasis to ensure that it continues its life as a building of value to the whole community. Latest updates on the campaign can be found on this page:

We have been informed by MOPAC that because of the allocation of an extra 20,000 Police Officers across the UK and the recently announced recruitment programme for the Metropolitan Police Service, Kennington Road Police Station has been selected as a location for a temporary recruitment centre, and so will not be on the market for sale in the short term, maybe for anything up to three or four years.

During that time we have asked for the opportunity for Oasis to lease a section of the Kennington Road building from MOPAC on a peppercorn rent in order to deliver vital youth facilities and programmes, as well as for the wider community initiatives as a model of integrated partnership working between the Metropolitan Police Service, MOPAC (or the Violence Reduction Unit) and Oasis.

This will allow us all to demonstrate the measurable difference that the model of well-run youth and wider community services integrated into an innovative policing approach makes; a genuinely ‘joined-up’ approach that reduces crime, increases safety, putting London in a ‘beacon’ position in violent crime reduction and acting as a ‘proof of concept’ for similar approaches to be adopted nationwide.

Our campaign continues. Please write to the Mayor expressing your support for our proposal outlined above. We still want to buy the police station when it does come to market, so our petition is just as vital.

Please sign and share our petition.