Over the last few years In 2018 Oasis Youth Support (OYS) was delighted to expand its service, to work with St Thomas’ Diabetes & Endocrinology Department.
During adolescence and early adult life, young people form their personal and social identities. The presence of diabetes in this period can be extremely difficult, with many young people feeling isolated and frustrated by the disease and it’s impact on their lives.
Oasis Youth Support provide youth workers to work in St Thomas’ and Kings College Hospital, to ensure young people with diabetes received the extra support they need. This includes re-engaging them with relevant health services and their own self-care, providing personal support though mentoring, as well as providing pathways into education, training, employment, and extra-curricular activities.
Part of the services delivery also includes YES (Youth Empowerment Skills), a programme designed for 14-19 years olds which explores what it means to be a young person with Type 1 diabetes, how to stay healthy, and how live a full and empowered life. As part of this programme, teenagers attend a three-day workshop during the summer holidays, delivered and supported by medical professionals and youth workers.
To find out more about YES, and sign up to the summer programme, please visit: www.gstt.nhs.uk/yes
OYS also run a peer-support group for young people with type 1 diabetes, as part of YES. This group usually meets once a fortnight on a Tuesday, at Oasis base in Waterloo, SE1.
You can follow YES on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @YESsouthlondon
Funding for this OYS service has primarily come from Guy’s & St Thomas Hospital, Kings College Hospital, The Health Innovation Network, and NHS England.
For further information or any enquiries, please do get in touch with our team at: oasisyouthsupport@gstt.nhs.uk.